My name is Reinier, and I am urgently looking for a job in London. I have 26 years old and I am originally from Cuba. I can speak Spanish and English. I have all the documents necessary, Right to Work in UK, Bank account and NINO. I have experience in Cleaning, Kitchen Porter( CLEANING AND WASHING DISHES) and also in constructions, however I do not hold a CSCS Card.
I worked for almost 2 years in Harrods as a Store Service Management. I am young, fit and healthy. I can start to work as soon as possible.
My wife is Romanian and she suggest me looking for a job on this website. She is also pregnant, and due to give birth in August, and is very important and urgent for me to find a job so I can support my family. I am very flexible, I can work days or nights, any shifts available and any hours.
Thank you!
Kind regards,
Reinier Soria Casamayor
Walsall, 21 Oct 2024, 23:13
Electrik bike it is good, it has a few scratches it loads but sometimes it doesn't work
(Este o bicicletă electeică un pic sgîreată se încarcă dar uneori nu merge ))
Walsall, 04 Aug 2024, 15:57
Se cauta muncitori cu experiență urgent in constructii, zona Walsall post code WS9 . ( Va rog verificati locația daca va convine pt distantă) pt un proiect Lidl. Nu necesita obligatoriu acte/rezidență. Cardul bankar necesar , dar nui obligatoriu nici acela. Pe parcurs se poate face. Cer si ofer serioziate maximă. Se lucra de luni- simbata. 08AM -18PM ( SIMBATA PINA LA ORA 13:00 . SE PLSTESTE ZI ÎNTREAGA. BANII IN FUNCTIE DE COMPETIȚiiLE FIECARUIA. SE DISCUTA LA TELEFON TOSTE ACESTE DETALII.
Walsall, 08 Jul 2024, 12:39
Biserica Ortodoxa Romana ""Nasterea Maicii Domnului"" Walsall
Adresa: 63 Dale Street, Palfrey, Walsall, WS1 4AN
Telefon: +44 (0) 1922 633451
E-mail: roman.ortodox@yahoo.co.uk
E-mail: bcot@btinternet.com
Tel: 07977 280 253
Facebook: www.facebook.com/orthodoxwalsall
Walsall, 04 Jun 2018, 15:11